Pastel Society of South Carolina
Promoting the Fine Art of Pastel



US Dollars

Click for list--->  Membership Directory <---Click for list



Membership is open to all persons interested in the dry pastel medium upon application for membership and payment  of dues.  Dues are $40 per year.  As an Active or Signature member of PSSC you are eligible to participate in member exhibits and workshops and to vote on business matters in the organization. 

Active Membership - Pastel artists and other persons interested in the soft pastel medium (dry soft and hard pastels) will be granted membership as active members.  The medium of oil pastel is excluded.

Signature Membership - Signature membership is awarded to members in good standing who receive awards (points) at three PSSC Board-designated judged shows. 

  • Signature members have the privilege of using the letters PSSC after their name.
  • Signature members must pay dues each year to maintain Signature status.  If a Signature member fails to pay dues for two or more years, he or she forfeits the right to use the PSSC designation.  If this member pays all deficient dues, the Board will vote on reinstating the Signature membership.
  • An award winner must be a member in good standing of the society in the year in which the award is won to qualify for an award point toward Signature membership.
  • Included in the category of awards are Award of Excellence, Award of Distinction, Awards of Merit, Benefactor Awards, Best of Show Awards, and Place Awards.  At the discretion of the board, PSSC may not use all these award designations in every show.
  • The PSSC board will designate Signature point qualifying awards for each show.
  • Honorable Mention awards are not included.
  • Only one point per show may be earned regardless of the number of awards received in any one show.

To join the PSSC, click on the Membership Application link below.  Print the application and mail the completed application along with your check for $40 payable to the Pastel Society of South Carolina to:

Susan Hodge
2710 Old Oak Walk
John's Island, SC 29455